Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Classic "Not Racist" line By Duane "Dog"'s son

Somewhere in recent news, Duane "Dog" of Bounty Hunter made some racist remarks about a woman to his son on the phone. So is he a racist? His son says, "He's got friends that are black and mexican" then he adds a new line "he's even half Indian" lol see that here. So if you ask me what I think, the word "nigger" doesn't really make you racist but it's the context you use it in, and this guy is clearly racist. The way he tells his son that he "can't take that" him(the other son Tucker) dating her, the black woman. And that he can't be in his house if he's (his other son) is dating her. So, tell-tale that this guy is scum, and here's a phone conversation between him and the son that's dating this black woman. But that Don Imus was funny, and I don't take offense to that remark, "Those are some nappy headed hoes there". Then we see fox news and an "apology" here. The end was classic with one of the news casters pointing out his mullet. No pictures yet but you can just veiw the vids to get a better understanding of what's going on. I don't know the defending son's name but I feel sorry that he's taking up for him. Clearly, he doesn't know any better and had been brought up that way and was born a sheep and is more apt to take on the actions of someone else he looks up to.

I understand it as being a private conversation and that it was rather fucked up for his son to tape him for 1.5 million, I understand freedom of speech and all that stuff. If it weren't for that, I couldn't write in this blog with things that I feel. But it's just the fact that it's out there that sickens me. And that this guy has a huge show and he feels that way about someone his son cares about. This blog won't change a thing, for one, noone reads it, two I don't have any power over what happens. I'm just putting my feelings into words on my own personal space. I feel he should be punished by whatever force there is out there that you believe in and not by the hands of man on earth. I don't beleive in anything really,I only believe there is something out there that reprimands or rewards us for everything we do. So with that said, this and Dog shouldn't even be a memory after this. But we have no control over what takes place.

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