Ok, there's a right way and a WRONG way to wear pre-destroyed denim.
The right way...

Last but not least people, this is the WRONG WAY!
Hogan DOESN'T know best when it comes to destroyed denim. I don't know who told Brooke Hogan it was ok to do this and wear it on stage but her dad Hulk Hogan should have pile-drived whoever it was. Beautiful girl, great music, BAD cutter.
So if you go destroying your old jeans, just remember to leave in the seat and the crotch, believe me, it's NOT cute or sexy. It makes you look like a 2 dollar stripper on some heavy coke. If you want stirrups go buy a pair, don't make them out of your jeans, PLEASE! You don't have to go buying destroyed jeans either, you can like I said do it yourself, just make sure you grab a guideline or a responsible supervisor to cut for you kids.
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