To all the jackasses that slept in front of apple and cingular stores, SUCK ON THIS! iPhone has cut it's retail price 200$, you know what you can do with 200$? You can buy an upscale prostitute, get groceries to last one month, or you can pay your ridulously high cingular phone bill! Oh, you could also feed your kids!
So in turn, they have offered the suckers a 100$ store credit? Ok, you knock 200 bucks off of a product and give the ducks that bought one for 600$ a 100$ STORE CREDIT?! That's just fucking smart! They are still making away with the 600$ your dumbass just dished out either way. You're putting the money right back in their pockets, I see a protest or something happening in your future. I'm wondering now how many of the smarter crew are going to purchase it now. Now you will see grandmas with the phone you thought you'd be one of a limted few to have. I mean, that's why you go for the expensive things right? Because you know that only the people who have 600$ to flush down the toilet to get a phone from a shit company that wastes trees on their itemized paper billing, is so you can stand out and say "I have an iPhone, yes, I spent 600$ on it and I pay 80$ a month for the MOST dropped calls in the U.S.! I'm so smart!"
So, with that said, grandmama, put down your knitting needle, iPhone retails for 399$ !
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