Sunday, February 21, 2010

Hello after 1000 years...

So I've started a weight loss resolution a total of... 8 weeks later... lol to start losing the weight that I have gained... 27 lbs. My phone is bleeping like crazy and it's making me nuts (too many texts) but I need to finish this blog. It has been so long and so little has happened. I lost my site, and my government job (I'm now working in internet technical support), and I still don't have a man that I'm sure he's mine. Still with that navy guy where I don't know what's going on and am STILL convinced he's got some secret life. But I haven't really come out with it. I'm just stuck at the point where I've fallen in love with who I think may be the wrong person for me, but at least I haven't found anything out yet for sure. I met a guy who reminded me of him and I got all excited then to find out he has a girlfriend (there's that annoying bleep of my cell again, I'm going to turn it off... there, that's better). Anyway, so I'm starting a text/video blog of my venture to lose 30 pounds in 3 months. I'm already on a vegetarian diet and have been for quite a while, now I think I will go back to being strictly vegan, NO DAIRY AT ALL... I think the only effective way to do that is to make EVERYTHING I eat, no more eating out, no more delivery, unless it's my and deliveries of course, MORE PROTIEN, and RUNNING, LOTS of running! So here, on the link panel, my new blog will show soon, of course you can still come here for my occasional rants, and blunders. So I'm off to losing weight and ruling the planet(not.) :-P