Friday, November 30, 2007

Pee -Wee's Crack House

It's what REALLY happened to poor old PeeWee. The reason his house and furniture talks to him REVEALED!!!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Heroes S2E09 "Cautionary Tales"

So I've been searching the internet high and low all night for this episode. It sucks that everyone is on PST when I'm on EST time. So that means it's 3am and I STILL haven't given up hope of finding and episode that is online and I don't have to wait on some slow ass download from megaupload or some gay ass torrent site. I usually get my fix on but everyone is REALLY slow around here about getting the episode streaming. I promise that if I find one out there, I'll post a link here for any fans.

WEll, finally someone got off their ass and helped us addicts out.
Veiw it with your LIFE, I know I'll be watching now!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Writer's strike

Fuckin' greedy asshole writer's are fuckin' up my Heroes intake! I just got word that it will play up to the 11th episode then who knows? Those who don't know why writers strike is because they're all greedy hoes who don't give a shit about fans of their work? Where did this start? When they found out their greedy unthoughtful asses wouldn't get paid extra for internet productions! WTF?! That's cold blooded and I'm pissed! They need to hire ME as a writer. With what I know about Heroes, I could come up with SOMETHING. I have no idea what else could be done about this complete tragedy, it's the only thing keeping me two steps from losing my mind with my friend away and all. I feel like getting my switch blade and cuttin' those mother fuckin' gay ass writers!

So we ask the question, How much DO Television writer's earn anyway? The answer would be $30K PER episode! Not $30K a year, but every FUCKING GODDAMN episode! If I got $30K for everytime I typed a blog, I'd NEVER miss a day and I'd be writing the greatest shit ever. Life probably wouldn't be so bad EVERYDAY, but I'd have SOMETHING to write about because I'd HAVE a life. I wouldn't be consumed with slaving at work and then coming home, to nothing but misery. May I add, slaving at work for NOTHING. I don't even make close to $1500 a month. Not even close! And these assholes are whining because they don't get paid a little more for internet productions? They should have been fired and replaced by robots a long time ago! Who knew that people were this greedy when they found out they could be making more than $30K every...week? Counting that most shows air once a week and that they make 30 grand each episode aired. $120,000 a month $1,440,000 every year! I'm not so hot with math but if I'm right they should die in a fire for their greed. And you know what? Even though it COULD affect one of my favorite shows, they shouldn't get paid a dime! Because who knows what extra they get paid for the box set DVD's purchased and other merch? For ANYONE who supports this strike, can burn right along with them. It's not the shows that gets my blood hot, it's the fact that they are complaining about making more than I'd make in 10 lifetimes right now! And I just don't get it, I really don't. I thought God had something against this sort of thing? Where are the lightining bolts man?! Just kidding about that, but something needs to be done about this.

I think of the strike like this...

If they wanted to make what studio execs make,they should've applied to BE studio exec.if every worker in the U.S. went on strike because they don't make what the managers make? Does it make ANY SENSE AT ALL then?! It's called ECONMICS, apparently, writers aren't required to take that course. If everyone got payed the same amount of money in a feild that that the "higher-ups" get, noone would be motivated to do better, just think of the trouble that would cause? We wouldn't be only worried about rising gas a food prices anymore. INFLATION INFLATION! Ring any bells? It would be like everyone would be out to get everyone's money until there was no money left to give. Society is a "monkey see, monkey do" world. If they see that these very well-off writers can get what THEY want, bagboy's at your local grocery store, the mailman, farmers, car salesmen, factory workers, etc. DO NOT support this strike! There are more grave issues at hand and these people are already rich enough. Will you get a penny of their profits for supporting them? NO! So don't support a clear sin in the eyes of many. Men and women, risk their lives everyday in the war for NOTHING and these clowns are whining about 4 more cents! They focus on the small numbers to make it seem like they make nothing. They say it's so they can pay their mortage and health but they're probably living in luxury and that's why they can't afford it they bit off more than they could chew.

Check out this HILARIOUS satire. No writers were harmed in the making of this clip.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Mi bicicleta roja brillante

So I want a bicycle for christmas. Amongst OTHER things but mainly a shiny red bicycle. I know it's a weird thing for a 23 year old to want, but I REALLY want it. There are plenty of old people things I want too like a sewing machine, and books. soooo... with that said here's my wishlist.
My Wish List

And should this list be more expensive than you would like to spend. You can just pitch in a dollar or two towards these gifts!

Lots of ways to make this christmas more enjoyable than this year was for me. You can also keep signing up at inboxdollars which is a totally free thing that can make you money too. I got my first check for 30$ January of this year. It helps me because when you sign up and fill out your profile, I get 5 dollars and it helps you because when you complete your profile you get 5 dollars credit too.

Well, yesterday my closest friend living was sent off to Afghanistan. I can't stop thinking that this is the worst thing that happened all year. Aside of not getting hours at work for that long time and just barley getting them now. Not being able to get my car replacing the wrecked one and not being able to get to work on time when I DO get the small amount of hours that's being given to me. But things will change if I pass this test to be a baggage screener at the airport. No idea how I'll get out there on time everyday, but hopefully, I will find a solution.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

NEW!!!Myspace Layout! Gruesome Two-Some

I will code it out later

Tegan and Sara - Duct Tape Dreads Sara

When you feel down and your boyfriend is giving you shit, this happens! lol.

So anyway, the blog mainly consists of Tegan and Sara and my sometimes fucked life. They are the only ones that make it better.

So he's not calling or returning my calls/texts for some odd reason. I don't know what's up with him. We drank together, I may have said some off things but I thought it'd be excusable being under the influence,apparently with boyfriends, this is NOT the case. Please guys out there, don't take shit too seriously if your girlfriend says some off shit to you when she's drunk, she probably doesn't mean it and will forget she even said it the next day. Just let her know what she said, so the mystery may be cleared up!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Classic "Not Racist" line By Duane "Dog"'s son

Somewhere in recent news, Duane "Dog" of Bounty Hunter made some racist remarks about a woman to his son on the phone. So is he a racist? His son says, "He's got friends that are black and mexican" then he adds a new line "he's even half Indian" lol see that here. So if you ask me what I think, the word "nigger" doesn't really make you racist but it's the context you use it in, and this guy is clearly racist. The way he tells his son that he "can't take that" him(the other son Tucker) dating her, the black woman. And that he can't be in his house if he's (his other son) is dating her. So, tell-tale that this guy is scum, and here's a phone conversation between him and the son that's dating this black woman. But that Don Imus was funny, and I don't take offense to that remark, "Those are some nappy headed hoes there". Then we see fox news and an "apology" here. The end was classic with one of the news casters pointing out his mullet. No pictures yet but you can just veiw the vids to get a better understanding of what's going on. I don't know the defending son's name but I feel sorry that he's taking up for him. Clearly, he doesn't know any better and had been brought up that way and was born a sheep and is more apt to take on the actions of someone else he looks up to.

I understand it as being a private conversation and that it was rather fucked up for his son to tape him for 1.5 million, I understand freedom of speech and all that stuff. If it weren't for that, I couldn't write in this blog with things that I feel. But it's just the fact that it's out there that sickens me. And that this guy has a huge show and he feels that way about someone his son cares about. This blog won't change a thing, for one, noone reads it, two I don't have any power over what happens. I'm just putting my feelings into words on my own personal space. I feel he should be punished by whatever force there is out there that you believe in and not by the hands of man on earth. I don't beleive in anything really,I only believe there is something out there that reprimands or rewards us for everything we do. So with that said, this and Dog shouldn't even be a memory after this. But we have no control over what takes place.

Tegan and Sara - Feelings Report

The funniest part on Tegan and Sara's DVD "The Con"! Done on My birthday. Tegan has trouble expressing her feelings and just loses it! Go buy the DVD!
You should also try out their "It's not fun, don't do it" DVD for last year's "So Jealous" funny funny things on there as well. If you haven't heard of TRQ&SKQ, then check out and youtube around too!

Rocks on the roof

So I can tell you, that I am extremly bored. It's 4:18 am and I slept my whole day away. Long time since I'd actually slept but it's the only thing I had to do today. I got rid of my wrecked vehicle and got 50$ for it. I'm about to chop all my hair off TOOODAY because I hate hair now. I'm thinking there's some sort of explaination as to why I hate my hair now, but there's not. I wanted to grow it back out but I just don't like it anymore. I'm not sure if I look better with short hair or not but it's just so thick right now, I really don't care it will probably give me a fro if I do cut it so I'm looking out for that as well.

I'm recording some new songs and I will post a link here so you may hear it when I'm done. other than that, nothing.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Everything but food

Damn I'm pretty hungry! I dunno what to cook. I'm thinking potato scalops with cheeeeeeeeese mmm. Well, it's starting to cool off here in Florida. It's not Indiana November, but I mean at least it's not 10,000 degrees outside anymore. I'd acutally like to swim right now, if I knew how :). So I put up a counter to prove a point to myself that noone reads this shit but me. If I have a blog-stalker, I will know. I will know where to find you and hide in your closet and eat your clothes and shoes.

SOOOO I'm working on blogging up some art that I do in my VERY spare time, in hopes that I lie to myself and people really DO read this blabber! SOOO If you do, please make me feel more speshal than I really am and post a comment. Just to let me know that I have friends that really care about my mindless jibber jabber!


Friday, November 2, 2007

It's not supposed to be this way.

I'm probably in a lot of trouble. I was contacted by the insurance company of a person that was involved in my accident. Apparently, they find me at fault and they intend to collect. I unfourtunatley don't have insurance anymore so I don't know what they will do. I just hope they don't call back today because I need some time to get my thoughts together before they drop a huge bomb on me. I really need a job. I'm trying to get in to Graphics Design but the jobs are so far away from me. I need solid jobs soon. I have to gather some things and get another car. I'm not sure how that's going to happen though.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

I can't do it...

I can't be in love wit 2 people. It's not possible. I'm trying to move on and be with Trav, but somehow I keep ending up back with "VINCE JACKSON". I can't stay away from him no matter how hard I try or how many times I tell myself I'm through with him. The last time we were together I told him that I didn't think we should talk anymore. That was a mistake and I need to tell him that. I feel like I SHOULD be with him because everything is keeping me from being with Trav. The distance, te situations changing... Everytime I get closer, I'm further away. So maybe the reason is because I'm supposed to be with "VINCE JACKSON". I can't reveal his real name because I'm not sure that it's safe to. Even though I think noone reads this stuff, I can't be too careful.

I need him right now...