Saturday, September 22, 2007


My modeling portfolio is almost done! It's amazing that it was started on a week ago and it's already a about 89% finished! The only thing is it needs current photos. There's a way there that I can be contacted now. My Desktop is going really slow now for some reason, so I have to transfer a lot of my files to this computer(my laptop). I think I need another upgrade, I may just rebuild it all together (yes, I'm a nerd and I can do most of the work).

I'm also trying to get word out there that I do makeup and wardrobe design/coordination. So don't forget to remember that :) A very short blog for the day, hope you don't mind, I'm running on 4hours of sleep!!!

Monday, September 17, 2007


Who the fuck is this monstrosity that appeared on my computer screen 3 days ago? Some confused peice of perpetrating SHIT named CHRIS CROCKER! I'm not on the "republican" side, being a fucking sorry excuse for a human has NOTHING to do with what political party you belong to. I'm a woman, YOU sir are not!
I'm fed up with seeing these guys who try to be us. They will NEVER be us! They will never birth a child, have a period, get turned down for a predominatley male job, very few men get raped, few get abused by their spouse, and they damn sure can't be as DIVA as a REAL WOMAN can. Be gay all day, I really don't care about that. The issue is when you put on makeup and a dress and think that classifies you as a woman or a DIVA. Let me break it down to you what a DIVA really is....
Diva is Latin for GODDESS. Since when has a GODDESS ever been a male? DIVA is a WOMAN of rare, outstanding talent, NOT a man TRYING to be a woman! A DIVA is a glamourous and successful FEMALE performer or personality. Just because you can put on makeup, and DRESS as a woman doesn't mean you ARE or can ever be us.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

it's a love whilrpool...

Work has really been kicking my ass latley. I'm working 40 hrs from 7am to 3:30pm! GOOOOOOD GREIF~_~

Happier news, my boyfriend is moving to Florida and I'm going to an arts and music Festival in November with him :) I'm fed up with like 90% of my friends because whenever I plan something they don't even budge to come out but when they plan something, they expect me to come running? Come on now, how stupid would I look?

On a creative tip, I'm relaunching,, and starting Misery Meat was my sort of mixed blog but I'm not sure if I want to continue with that since I already have a mixed subject blog right here. Urban Hues is my website and graphics design company which means I will be doing that once again. I'm really excited. Loha' Cosmetics is my cosmetics line that I started a few months ago. I just haven't had the time to cook up any makeup but soon, VERY soon.

That's about it for now, hope everyone is having a lovley rest of the summer season and is ready for Fall as I am!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

How many idiots does it take to break a heart?

Not very many.

Well here are some hilarities from this past weekends bday party of hilariously drunken ME.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Holey Jeans?

Ok, there's a right way and a WRONG way to wear pre-destroyed denim.

The right way...
Myspace star Christina Dolce is the MASTER of the destroyed denim, literally. She launched her own denim line entitled DESTROYED DENIM . She is totally owning the punk-ish/rock look!

Last but not least people, this is the WRONG WAY!

Hogan DOESN'T know best when it comes to destroyed denim. I don't know who told Brooke Hogan it was ok to do this and wear it on stage but her dad Hulk Hogan should have pile-drived whoever it was. Beautiful girl, great music, BAD cutter.

So if you go destroying your old jeans, just remember to leave in the seat and the crotch, believe me, it's NOT cute or sexy. It makes you look like a 2 dollar stripper on some heavy coke. If you want stirrups go buy a pair, don't make them out of your jeans, PLEASE! You don't have to go buying destroyed jeans either, you can like I said do it yourself, just make sure you grab a guideline or a responsible supervisor to cut for you kids.

LOL iPhone!

To all the jackasses that slept in front of apple and cingular stores, SUCK ON THIS! iPhone has cut it's retail price 200$, you know what you can do with 200$? You can buy an upscale prostitute, get groceries to last one month, or you can pay your ridulously high cingular phone bill! Oh, you could also feed your kids!

So in turn, they have offered the suckers a 100$ store credit? Ok, you knock 200 bucks off of a product and give the ducks that bought one for 600$ a 100$ STORE CREDIT?! That's just fucking smart! They are still making away with the 600$ your dumbass just dished out either way. You're putting the money right back in their pockets, I see a protest or something happening in your future. I'm wondering now how many of the smarter crew are going to purchase it now. Now you will see grandmas with the phone you thought you'd be one of a limted few to have. I mean, that's why you go for the expensive things right? Because you know that only the people who have 600$ to flush down the toilet to get a phone from a shit company that wastes trees on their itemized paper billing, is so you can stand out and say "I have an iPhone, yes, I spent 600$ on it and I pay 80$ a month for the MOST dropped calls in the U.S.! I'm so smart!"
So, with that said, grandmama, put down your knitting needle, iPhone retails for 399$ !

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

I do what I do...

Not much. Trying to pay off these damn bills and save up for college in January, I will not be working at that time so I can focus completly on passing and doing my work. I'm writing notes for a possible book? And trying to stay sane while "some guy" ropes my heart around. I have given up on a lot of things in the recent weeks, things that I see aren't taking off the way I had hoped for. I'm still sticking with modeling and Cereal and Milk Designs, blogging too. I want to have an awesome xmas and I'm getting a prepaid visa card to keep my butt out of hot water for a change.

Sites I currently update:

Cereal & Milk (Myspace/Cafepress)

Jade Strange(Model Portfolio/Blog)


Sites I plan to update/renew:

Misery Meat

Loha' Cosmetics

Urban Hues

My Deviant Art

My Boundless Gallery

This is only once I've paid all of these ridiculous bills I have which will take approximatley 3 months if I play my cards right. The book I mentioned will be written in the process. I'm writing notes for it like I've said. I won't say what it's about but it will help a lot of people I know including myself.

About my music, I'm ITP of recording for the new project Strange Feeble Mind former Geisha Dolls. sFM is a indie rock/electronica solo project as Geisha Dolls but with a different sound, more rock than electronica.

Some speculations about me

I'm NOT lesbian

I'm NOT pregnant

I'm NOT dating "Vince Jackson" aka "Vagina Juice"

I'm NOT a bitch, unless you bring it upon yourself.

In hopes that clears some smoke, there you have it!

Saturday, September 1, 2007


I could only send them one by one from my phone, I will gather them all together later and put it all in one post.

This is from my very first burlesque show attendance, it could have been better but I had a lot of fun. I forgot my good camera so we just have to make do with the shitty phone cam. This was taken @ The French Quarter on Friday August 30,2007


Some pix from a burlesque show on friday. sry i left my camera. deal with the shitty phone cam.