Sunday, September 16, 2007

it's a love whilrpool...

Work has really been kicking my ass latley. I'm working 40 hrs from 7am to 3:30pm! GOOOOOOD GREIF~_~

Happier news, my boyfriend is moving to Florida and I'm going to an arts and music Festival in November with him :) I'm fed up with like 90% of my friends because whenever I plan something they don't even budge to come out but when they plan something, they expect me to come running? Come on now, how stupid would I look?

On a creative tip, I'm relaunching,, and starting Misery Meat was my sort of mixed blog but I'm not sure if I want to continue with that since I already have a mixed subject blog right here. Urban Hues is my website and graphics design company which means I will be doing that once again. I'm really excited. Loha' Cosmetics is my cosmetics line that I started a few months ago. I just haven't had the time to cook up any makeup but soon, VERY soon.

That's about it for now, hope everyone is having a lovley rest of the summer season and is ready for Fall as I am!

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