Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Writer's strike

Fuckin' greedy asshole writer's are fuckin' up my Heroes intake! I just got word that it will play up to the 11th episode then who knows? Those who don't know why writers strike is because they're all greedy hoes who don't give a shit about fans of their work? Where did this start? When they found out their greedy unthoughtful asses wouldn't get paid extra for internet productions! WTF?! That's cold blooded and I'm pissed! They need to hire ME as a writer. With what I know about Heroes, I could come up with SOMETHING. I have no idea what else could be done about this complete tragedy, it's the only thing keeping me two steps from losing my mind with my friend away and all. I feel like getting my switch blade and cuttin' those mother fuckin' gay ass writers!

So we ask the question, How much DO Television writer's earn anyway? The answer would be $30K PER episode! Not $30K a year, but every FUCKING GODDAMN episode! If I got $30K for everytime I typed a blog, I'd NEVER miss a day and I'd be writing the greatest shit ever. Life probably wouldn't be so bad EVERYDAY, but I'd have SOMETHING to write about because I'd HAVE a life. I wouldn't be consumed with slaving at work and then coming home, to nothing but misery. May I add, slaving at work for NOTHING. I don't even make close to $1500 a month. Not even close! And these assholes are whining because they don't get paid a little more for internet productions? They should have been fired and replaced by robots a long time ago! Who knew that people were this greedy when they found out they could be making more than $30K every...week? Counting that most shows air once a week and that they make 30 grand each episode aired. $120,000 a month $1,440,000 every year! I'm not so hot with math but if I'm right they should die in a fire for their greed. And you know what? Even though it COULD affect one of my favorite shows, they shouldn't get paid a dime! Because who knows what extra they get paid for the box set DVD's purchased and other merch? For ANYONE who supports this strike, can burn right along with them. It's not the shows that gets my blood hot, it's the fact that they are complaining about making more than I'd make in 10 lifetimes right now! And I just don't get it, I really don't. I thought God had something against this sort of thing? Where are the lightining bolts man?! Just kidding about that, but something needs to be done about this.

I think of the strike like this...

If they wanted to make what studio execs make,they should've applied to BE studio exec.if every worker in the U.S. went on strike because they don't make what the managers make? Does it make ANY SENSE AT ALL then?! It's called ECONMICS, apparently, writers aren't required to take that course. If everyone got payed the same amount of money in a feild that that the "higher-ups" get, noone would be motivated to do better, just think of the trouble that would cause? We wouldn't be only worried about rising gas a food prices anymore. INFLATION INFLATION! Ring any bells? It would be like everyone would be out to get everyone's money until there was no money left to give. Society is a "monkey see, monkey do" world. If they see that these very well-off writers can get what THEY want, bagboy's at your local grocery store, the mailman, farmers, car salesmen, factory workers, etc. DO NOT support this strike! There are more grave issues at hand and these people are already rich enough. Will you get a penny of their profits for supporting them? NO! So don't support a clear sin in the eyes of many. Men and women, risk their lives everyday in the war for NOTHING and these clowns are whining about 4 more cents! They focus on the small numbers to make it seem like they make nothing. They say it's so they can pay their mortage and health but they're probably living in luxury and that's why they can't afford it they bit off more than they could chew.

Check out this HILARIOUS satire. No writers were harmed in the making of this clip.

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